
Regarding other deceased Fathers of the Birmingham Oratory, click here.  For articles on the Oratory more generally, click here.  For information on the Oratorian saints & ‘notabili’, click here.

Past articles from the Postulator are given below :
  —  November 2002
  —  October 2002
  —  August 2002
  —  July 2002
  —  June 2002
  —  May 2002

Newman Anniversary Eulogy, August 2002
by the Rt Rev’d Cuthbert Johnson, OSB, Abbot of Quarr

Items marking the 2001-2 Bicentenary of Newman’s birth are given below :
  —  Closing Address by H.E. Cormac, Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor
  —  Papal Letter Marking the Bicentenary
  —  Archbishop of Westminster’s Letter
  —  Transcript of BBC Radio 4’s Morning Worship, 25/2/2001 (.pdf)
  —  Bicentenary Mass Brochure (.pdf)
  —  Supplement to the Friends’ Bicentenary Newsletter (.pdf)

Obituary of the last Postulator, F. Vincent Blehl, S.J.

Newman and Music
by Mr Philip Crossley