The Provost WritesFirst of all, may I welcome you to this website, dedicated to the Birmingham Oratory, its history and life today. I know you will find here plenty of information designed to help you to grow in knowledge of this important Catholic institute and what it enshrines. Whether your interest is in this Oratory with its current apostolate or past and present community, in S. Philip and his worldwide family, in the fascinating figure of our founder, John Henry Newman or in those connected with the Oratory, such as J. R. R. Tolkien, you will find much to both inform and entertain.One area of this website which is now of even greater interest to me, is that which concerns Cardinal Newman himself. Having been appointed the Postulator for his Cause, it is now my especial task to oversee the advancement of this great man towards becoming a canonised saint of the Church of Christ. This is a work both important and challenging. I hope what has been put here about Cardinal Newman will help each of you to learn something more about this great Englishman, and to see in him a worthy intercessor at the Throne of God for all your needs. Thank you for visiting this site: I hope you will return often! Father Paul Chavasse Provost |