St Teresa Girl’s College, Kihihi, Uganda
Our Crib Collection this year is to go towards the building of a new Newman library is to being built for a 5 year old girls’ boarding school in a poor rural part of Uganda near to the Congo. Most girls are the first in their family to go to secondary school. In November 2012 the first girls will do A level. The aim is to build a simple library for them to study as many books sent by Jean Johnson, who worships at the Oratory. It needs to be ready by July. It is hard to predict the cost with wildly fluctuating exchange rates, but it will probably total about £11,000 of which a third has already been raised.
Why support this school?
It is run by Ugandan Missionary Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church.
It is on Catholic Church land, set up so that any profit goes back into the school.
It has the full support of the Bishop of Kabale and his education secretary
It was founded by Hon Jacqueline, the local woman MP and the first woman from the village to graduate; both she and her sister have visited several places connected with Newman.
When they got the first O Level results in January 2011 they were the best in the district.
Jean and a team of retired UK teachers, mainly Catholic, have visited twice a year since 2008
Fees are affordable and there is also a scholarship fund (donated by an old girl of St Leonard’s Mayfield, now working in Switzerland) to help girls study at A Level.
It is supported by St Dominic’s RC VI Sixth Form College, who take a group of girls there each year.
They donated computers which are used by girls and the local people in the holidays.
It is a centre for training both students and teachers locally, funded from the UK.
Local women are given sewing machines, sent from the UK, and can then earn money to pay school fees (most of the free schools have over 100 in a class)
For further information, please contact Jean M Johnson Tel: 0121 440 1914
Music for 10.30 a.m. High Mass:
Kyrie, Sanctus & Agnus Dei from “Missa Aeternum Christi Munera” by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594)
Credo I
Offertory Motet “Ave Maria” by Palestrina
Communion Motet: “Ecce Concipies” by Jacob Handl (1550—1591)